The World’s First System to Help You Create & Launch Your Very own Signature Program, Designed ONLY for Holistic Practitioners, Coaches and Leaders.
Here’s what you get:
You’d join the top 5% of successful Holistic Leaders, live the life of your dreams AND leave the legacy you were born to leave.
But so many holistic leaders are stuck in an “time-for-money” business either failing within the first 5 years of business or booked up and considered “successful”, but deep down failing to reach their full potential.
Everywhere you look you’re told to “get booked solid”, swapping time-for-money and working harder, instead of automating your income, reaching 1:many and working wiser.
You’re taught to stay within the confines of your qualifications, play small, “build your practice” and not venture out into the world of being an expert or a leader.
And you’re taught to be qualified to deliver one piece of value to lots of different people for only ONE income stream, rather than adding lots of value to ONE type of person, all over the world, for MULTIPLE income streams.
It’s crazy that so many people are teaching you how to see as many people as possible using this strategy and that system without considering this most important fact…
You only have a certain amount of time and energy to work with clients.
*In other words, your impact and income are severely capped according to how much time and energy you have available…
Sooner or later you realise to secure your financial future you need to branch out and reach more of your tribe by working 1:many and creating multiple automated income streams.
– Thomas Edison
But as many successful holistic leaders have realised, getting booked solid can be more of a problem than a feeling of success.
When you’re in the process of getting booked up, you end up spending hours and hours stuck in admin, marketing, doing out of hours work for clients or stuck doing bookwork.
Basically you end up spending a very small amount of time creating transformation in the lives of your clients.
You can end up feeling frustrated and drained of your vitality doing mundane tasks when you know there are so many people out there who could really benefit from your magic.
But you’re too busy with what’s in front of you, and not quite sure how to reach all those potential clients.
You’re not alone.
This is a very common problem for Holistic Entrepreneurs who have amazing wisdom and magic to share with their tribe, but they’re just not showing up.
There is a solution. In fact, it’s so simple, you might be kicking yourself for not doing this months ago.
There’s a wiser and more easeful way to grow your business.
And that confidence comes from knowing that what you’re doing is going to be successful…
…Which comes from developing a program that people want…
…and packaging up your transformation journey…
Now imagine for a moment that you’ve found a specific audience that has the exact problem you can solve. Who are eager for your support and willing to pay you well for your expertise and you’ve packaged a signature program that is the only type of it’s kind on the planet and people are lining up to purchase it from you.
Without the hustle, without being salesy and without losing your integrity.
There are many holistic practitioners and coaches right now that are hugely profitable because they have done exactly that… They’ve developed their own signature methodology that solves a pressing issue, crafted their own unique message, designed their own unique style and branding and delivered a non-salesy way of marketing that to their tribe…
In other words, they have differentiated themselves from the rest and are exactly what their tribe has been looking for…
Developing your Intellectual Property secures your financial future
Many people when they start in the online space think that if they just setup a website and get people to go to their website, people will line up and book in with them,
But anyone’s who actually been there will tell you…
We’ve seen many holistic entrepreneurs with a special gift to share and a big vision of making an impact in the world get disappointed.
Instead their website floats around in cyberspace for years and nobody even knows they exist.
And this happens because they are using hope marketing and taking their best educated guess at how things work online.
In an ever increasingly competitive wellness market place, it’s now more important than ever to claim your place within the industry and be unique and differentiated from others. Failure to develop your intellectual property impedes your ability to get your message and your work out to the world.
All successful holistic leaders have taken the time to develop their own IP. It helps them to position them uniquely within their industry. It helps them become differentiated amongst their competition, as there will be nobody else who is using the exact same approach as they are. It also helps them to be recognised as leaders and innovators in their fields.
Manual delivery of 1:1 sessions is hard work. Automatic Lead generation and automated program delivery is
the way to go for busy holistic practitioners.
Practitioners and coaches who are focused only on manual 1:1 sessions miss out on residual and automated
income. This never allows them to leverage their time and create the lifestyle freedom they desire.
Those who stay stuck in a manual time for money scenario are destined for either losing their passion for business or heading towards burnout.
We’re taught to put all our eggs into one basket, and that’s usually the basket of the modality or qualification we have received. There is a growing requirement for holistic business owners to create multiple income streams of income and positive impact.
Holistic entrepreneurs who have all their focus on delivering through only one income stream are simply not diversified enough and run a risky operation.
If there was an economic downturn, for example, your current clientele may not have the luxury of affording your services any longer. One of the first things to go when the economy take a turn is premium health and wellness services. We’ve seen this happen in the UK with the recent Global financial crisis and we don’t want it to happen to you.
We’re just as passionate about living and working in alignment with holistic principles and making a big difference on the planet as we are about being commercially intelligent and financially profitable. We’ve built our companies with a mission to move the world to wellness and provide lifestyle freedom for ourselves, our team, our families and our global tribe of over holistic entrepreneurs.
We know the insider secrets to building a business based on “ease and grace” and we also know a thing or two about claiming your space in your holistic niche so you can make a much bigger difference and earn a great income to create your dream lifestyle.
We’ve been where you are right now. We’ve both been holistic practitioners, retreat leaders, consultants and wellness clinic managers with dozens of staff. We’ve also been life and business coaches working online and running live events and retreats around the world. And for the past 7 years we’ve created a global company as holistic leadership mentors, speakers, trainers and authors to over 35,000 holistic entrepreneurs in 6 different countries.
We’ve built multiple 6 and 7 figure businesses based purely on holistic principles, without any need whatsoever to use inauthentic salesy, sleazy and pushy marketing. In fact, in the first 12 months of our partnership, using the principles we teach in the Holistic Product Blueprint, we generated over $1.3 million dollars in revenue. A feat achieved by less than .01% of all startups across all industries. We’re not saying this to brag. Rather, this journey has been a very humbling experience and, funnily enough, you might be surprised to hear that we’ve made many mistakes along the way!
We’re sharing this because we know the wellness industry inside and out and we know what works and what doesn’t when it comes to building a business that is a reflection of your deepest passion and your inner genius.
Andy & Marcus changed my approach to building my business by showing me that it’s important to be exactly who I am and work with the type of people I love.
“My Results were having 20 women go through my online program. 18K likes on my Facebook page. Earning an extra 30K. Being interviewed on 2 TV programs, a radio show, and a couple of podcasts.”
“The most helpful part of working with Andy & Marcus has been the seed sheets and the resources to create successful freebies and ad campaigns to get those bits of wisdom into the hands of my ideal clients.”
“I had always struggled with how to... market myself. What Andy and Marcus have provided is a step-by-step manual on how to do this.”
Bree Stedman
Bree Stedman had a vision for her ideal business. But she was earning no money, struggling to clarify her genius and confused about how to launch her program. She had some great training and knowledge around female brain empowerment but she hadn’t yet found out how to position herself, package herself up and launch her magic on the planet. After working with us for only 12 months Bree bought in over $100,000 and became an international best selling author!
Blair Rhianna had a passion to help women find their true power and their soul partner, but she hadn’t worked out how to reach her audience, package it all up and make any income from it. After learning the seed sheet process, and clarifying her expert positioning statement Blair began communicating her expertise to some women within her circles. Within 3 weeks she had 3 new clients and $6,000 of extra income.
Jen Oliver, founder of Love FitMama was a Personal trainer earning $20 an hour and not getting the traction or reach she truly desired. She longed to create a successful business helping new mums restore their core and enjoy their body post birth. She had no idea how to “do” it, she just had a burning passion to make it happen. Jen became one of our most successful clients, creating financial freedom for herself and her family. She even took a global trek with her husband and 2 beautiful daughters, and earnt money while she slept!
Andrew Arnold owned his own chiropractic clinic, where he was not only the head practitioner but also the clinic manager. He didn’t know how to leverage his time and his income and was struggling to find a way through. After working together with us, Andrew scaled his business to beyond $1,000,000 and now has a fully automated clinic that isn’t dependent on him showing up to keep it running! Andrew is now delivering more of his genius and expertise as a practice leverage expert helping other practitioners to build million dollar wellness practices.
Whitney Young
Kerri Fullerton
The Holistic Product Blueprint is the culmination of over 30 years experience in the retail, wellness and life transformation industries. We’ve spent over $250,000 on training both specific and not specific to this industry, so we could learn what works, what’s relevant and remove what doesn’t. We’ve refined all of this industry wisdom and knowledge, with holistic principles at its essence, into a simple step-by-step system that has worked for us and has been taught to over 20,000 holistic entrepreneurs from around the world.
We’ll help you build solid business foundations, specific to the holistic industry that will set you up for a big impact, financial abundance and lifestyle freedom for the rest of your career!
By the end of this phase you’ll be able to expertly communicate who you are, what you do and why people should line up to buy from you.
Here’s what you get when you complete this module:
By the end of Phase 1 you’ll not only know exactly what your audience is thinking and feeling on “Pain Island”, you’ll also know exactly what support they are actively looking for and willing to pay for. You’ll find the exact gap in the current market that you can fill with your product or program.
You’ll also have the exact language that your audience uses to describe their problems and how you can formulate this language into your Power Pitch™ Message Matrix™. When you language speaks directly to your audience they will immediately see you as the answer to their problem and will continue to buy from you time and time again.
We’ll help you unpack your wisdom and turn it into commercial viability. Learning the secrets the top 5% of holistic entrepreneurs know and implement. You’ll discover how to present and market your message so your program sells like hot cakes, without using sleazy or salesy outdated methods.
You’ll also get real time feedback on your program ideas, your language, branding elements, frameworks and concepts from us, our team of mentors and the global holistic product blueprint community to ensure your success.
By the end of this phase you’ll have your own core framework, your individual modules created, your branding and packaging elements complete and an proven “empowering marketing” system that help you achieve incredible success in your niche.
Here’s what you get when you complete this module:
By the end of Phase 2 you’ll have your very own Signature System and your own Intellectual Property toolkit so you can can stand out from the competition and become the #1 sought after program in your niche.
You’ll be able to take a stand for your products and your business 500% because of the systems you learn in HPB, everything that you develop will be in absolute alignment with who you are, your inner genius and your greater mission on the planet.
By the end of this phase you’ll have the ability to massively grow your email list, convert traffic into clients and secure your financial future.
Here’s what you get when you complete this module:
By the end of Phase 3 you’ll have everything in place to join the top 5% of successful Holistic Leaders.
You simply press go and launch your magic on the planet!
No List, No Business, No Product? Not a Problem…
We have created training specifically for you to get started from exactly where you are right now. In fact getting these systems in place right now before you grow too big will ensure you develop sustainably from the onset and avoid potential failure and burnout down the track!
The HPB LIVE recording is included to help you solidify your learning and give you more insights and guidance inside the members portal from a real LIVE event.
A ticket normally costs $2500, but this recording is FREE when you enroll in the Holistic Product Blueprint training program today…
Included in your tuition, are 6 recorded coaching calls where you get to watch Andy and Marcus help other participants with the exact questions you will likely have about your own business.
We want to make this a simple and intuitive step for you, when you take action and enroll in the Holistic Product Blueprint training Program today specifically…
So we’ve made arrangements to hook you up with a copy of the Ultimate Online Conversion Pack™, this is one of our most popular “Masters only” trainings, hand delivered on one of our private 2 day live immersion events.
Which means if you’ve been thinking that the Holistic Product Blueprint makes perfect sense…
But you’ve been concerned about the “technical” side of how to set everything up online…with this Ultimate Online Conversion Pack you’ll learn:
This is the Ultimate Pack that makes it super easy for you…Complete with done-for-you templates….
In a simple editable PDF format…
Normally the cost of this pack is $5,000, but when you join us in the Holistic Product Blueprint today you get it included for FREE..
The value of this training is well over $12,500 and previously ONLY available to our private Masters level clients.
It’s designed to provide a complete training and coach marketing system in our very own method of “velocity coaching”. But the reason we HAD to include it in the Holistic Product Blueprint is because we want to take care of the entire issue of building the coaching branch of your business.
We want to give you highest level coach training we can provide to ensure that the coaching branch of your business is complete and you’re ready to launch your signature program to the world as soon as possible…
This training will provide you with one of the best coaching secrets to:
Now as we mentioned the value of this training is $12,500, and was only previously available to our VIP clients, but when you join us in the Holistic Product Blueprint training program today, it’s yours completely FREE…
Our community is a supportive, inspiring, welcoming, generous, and productive place for holistic entrepreneurs to be.
This is our comprehensive “conversion centred design” blueprint previously ONLY available to our VIP clients.
This 4 part training series teaches you the insider secrets that most web designers and developers don’t even understand. This series will teach you the basic and advanced training on the essential elements required to ensure you online market efforts are a success!
This series shows you step-by-step how to create highly converting landing pages, websites and sales pages to massively build your list and and maximise your profit.
Jen Newell
Elizabeth Cheravaty
Adding up the value of JUST the 6 Recorded Q&A coaching calls, Membership in our Holistic Product Blueprint Community, ALL the templates, scripts, workbooks and examples, The Velocity Coaching training, Ultimate Online Conversion Pack and FREE recording of Holistic Product Blueprint LIVE you’re getting over $25,000 worth of value.
Which means that once you join us, you’ll be given access to the training portal and the HPB community so you can get started taking your business to the next level!
If you’re interested or even just curious to see behind the curtain, to see exactly how this works…
DON’T decide if this is right for you today.
Instead, click on the link, claim your spot and get inside so that you can see what it’s all about.
Take your time to go through the course. Watch all the videos, take lots of notes, download the templates and even start designing your transformational journey.
If for some reason (or any reason at all) you decided it’s not right for you, just let us know within 30 days and we’ll offer you a full refund. It’s as simple as that.
The Holistic Product Blueprint has been designed with HOLISTIC BUSINESS PRINCIPLES in mind:
This is a system that has been tested and works for the sensitive nature of the Holistic industry…
So what exactly are holistic business principles?
Everyone starts with nothing. Just start where you are… A small quality list is often better than a huge list of non-responsive unqualified prospects.
Now is always the best time to get to know people and expand your reach. And it’s certainly true that once you have the seed sheet process dialed in you most definitely will become legendary!
You have a tribe that is a perfect fit for you, you WILL find them. Your perfect tribe has a problem that is perfectly aligned with your expertise. You only need 3 simple platforms to verify and validate your tribe… Amazon, Google and Udemy..We teach you everything you need to know about discovering and qualifying your niche in Phase 1 of the HPB program.
You don’t need to be perfect, you only need to take a stand for something and someone. The new paradigm of leadership is about being more OF yourself not more THAN yourself. You don’t need to be an expert… you can call yourself whatever you want. You only need to believe in yourself and that you have something of value to offer to your tribe.
It’s actually not… It can be done with ease and grace if that’s your intention and your daily focus…
Anything of true value in life requires presence, patience and persistence. Imagine the joy & fulfillment of growing a business that reflects your true potential. Imagine some short term focus for a lifetime of time freedom, location freedom and financial freedom making a bigger difference.
This training is 100% specialised for holistic entrepreneurs.. Other trainings can miss the most important secret of intellectual property. In fact we don’t know of anyone else on the planet teaching these exact systems specific to the holistic space. The seed sheet process will immediately raise you out of competition forever.It’s vital that you build your business on holistic principles to ensure you secure your future. With holistic principles as the foundation of your business, you’re destined for success.
Anyone can be of benefit to others regardless of qualifications. We were both newbies when we began. Everything else failed until we discovered the “seed sheet” and created our own transformational journey and launched it to our tribe.
This technology to easily reach your tribe and create massive impact and income simply didn’t exist when we started out…
It’s actually very easy…
Consider this: “If you moved to spain for the rest of your life, would you learn Spanish? The answer is a resounding YES… so can you apply the same intention to learning online marketing?
It’s now easier than ever before to learn the skills and create massive impact and income. PLUS The systems we teach make it easy and fun 🙂
We’ve worked with clients who have made $3-5 thousand dollars just by posting a few authentic FB videos to their personal FB page…
You can make money by leveraging your current contacts, we’ll show you how. You can find people who already have a list and who love what you do. Three of the Holistic Product Launch methods we teach require no budget whatsoever.
When you learn the power of intellectual property, you rise above the rest of the industry and launch a powerful rocket that will take you wherever you desire…
You have magic within you that can transform lives. “Different strokes for different folks” – you only have to work with people you are aligned with. Your tribe are looking for YOU, this is the moment you’ve been looking for. Nobody else on the planet can deliver your unique energetic signature. If you don’t show, up your clients will continue to needlessly suffer.
Need Help Ordering or Have Questions?
If you have any questions or concerns about the course please contact us.